Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New Beginnings...

I sit here on my bed, wrapped in an electric blanket, my hoodie on and tied tightly around my neck, my fingers freezing, my eyes randomly peeking out the window to get a glimpse of the snow dancing to the ground, my heart hoping for a snow day and  my mind dreaming about the V-Team's "new beginning."

Questions seem to overwhelm my thoughts.  Questions like:  How do you know what stuff to save, what stuff to pack and what stuff to sell?  Who will by my boys' friends?  Will I have special, close friends in Central America?  How will we raise that amount of money?  When will we leave for language school?  Who will we meet during partnership development?  How am I supposed to survive working full time, taking a mission class, partnership development, along with my other ministries?  What about the relationships I have, how will they survive and/or change?...Ok, that list could go on and on and on...

Then, the excitement takes over.  This week is the beginning, the start,  to our "Partnership Development" phase of life.  I will be sharing for the first time, "one-on-one," what God has been doing in our lives, this weekend.  This weekend, Seth and I will be traveling to our first church, Monticello Wesleyan.  We will have the opportunity to share what God has been doing, as well as, share The Word of God to the wonderful people of Earlysville.

Looking forward to many "new beginnings" in our near future and praying for God's peace, wisdom and graciousness as we tread these "new waters."

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Prayer Changes Things

Barry has been preparing to speak for "The Pastor's Prayer Retreat" in The Shenandoah Wesleyan District, .  As he has been preparing to share his heart on prayer, I have been reflecting on prayer myself.

About four years ago I found myself overwhelmed by a song.  The words to the song kept going through my head.  Check out Brandon Heath's song, "Give Me Your Eyes."

You see, I had been the girl in the song earlier in my life.  The one who did her best to hide what was on the inside.  I lived for many years of my life pretending I was doing great.  I wanted the world to see the perfect, Christy.  I fooled many people with my lie.  Because inside I was dying.

This time, while listening to this song, I would find myself looking at the people around me; wondering what their story was.  Then one day on my way to work, while this song was playing on the radio, I decided to pray that God would give me His eyes.

It has always bothered me when people say, "Don't ever pray for patience."  I understand why people say that.  The trials that come to teach patience can be a struggle.  I just always thought that if "patience" is a fruit of the spirit it is something that we really need.  I say this because the prayer for "His eyes" seems to bring the same negative effect.

The prayer for "His eyes" has been a heart breaking prayer that has changed my perspective and my life.  When God began to allow me to see people with "His eyes" I began to see people hurting.  I saw people in great need; some financially, some relationally, some mentally, etc.  I noticed that there is so much hurt in this world.  I wasn't able to see the lady jogging down the road as just a friendly person anymore.  Instead I saw her as a single-mom trying to take care of her own physical needs in a busy schedule.  I was no longer able to sit at a stop light and just notice the car sitting next to me.  Instead I would see the driver in the car next to me as a man full of worry for how he was going to provide for his families' next meal.  I couldn't run throught the check out line in Wal-mart like I used to because now I would see the clerk in Wal-mart as someone who had been abused sexually.  The stories went on.  I wasn't able to go anywhere without seeing people and feeling their hurt.

It was through that time period that the Lord began to show me that I cannot fix all the problems in the world.  However, He has chosen me to bring hope, peace and love to the people who are in my path.  The normal every day people

It was through that prayer, "for His eyes," that I have begun the venture that the V-Team finds ourselves in today.  To be honest, it is through prayer that Barry would say the Lord began to do a work in his life leading  him to this new venture (maybe he will share more after the "Prayer Retreat" is over).

Prayer changes things.  It draws us to the perfectly consistent heart of God.  The heart of God that desires the imperfect us to be in relationship with the perfect Him (that still does not make sense to my imperfect mind...but it amazes my imperfect heart).

Part of the venture we are on is to raise up a team of prayer partners.  We are praying for a team of 400+ people who would be willing to join our team; knowing full well that prayer will change things.  We are praying that it WILL change the V-Team and we are praying that it will change our Prayer Team.  Contact us to hear more about joining our team.

Prayer changes things...it has changed me...and I desire it to continue to change me!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Yesterday was one of those days.  You know, the days you wake up and you can just tell you are in for a ride and you sense the ride is going to be an adventure.  As soon as my alarm clock went off my mind began running through the list of things I needed to accomplish for the day.  Wednesdays are always extra busy; they start early with my morning duty responsibilities and end late with my church responsibilities.  Yesterday was no different.

As I walked in the office an elementary student came running up behind me.  Out of breath she says, "The toilet is running over."  Without thinking (or even taking my coat off) I set off for the water valve.  However, within seconds my body flies through the air and I find myself landing on my palms and knees onto the hard floor.  I quickly jump up to rush into the bathroom which is STILL flooding over.  At this point I can feel pain rushing through every muscle of my body, but I push through to bend over and turn the switch off.

One of my first thoughts after the toilet turned off was, "Phew, no one saw me."  I hate to have attention drawn to me, especially when I have done something so goofy. In reality that was not the case.  It seemed to be seconds later that I was being greeted by teachers and students who were making sure I was ok.  Then my phone began buzzing with texts making sure I was ok.  Everyone's schedules seemed to be put on hold and the focus turned to me (not my idea of fun).

Around 11:15 I was asked if I was able to walk to the window (well I wasn't going to let someone carry me).  When I got to the main office windows I see my 24 Bible students standing out there holding banners.  I was in awe.  I walked outside to be able to see what they had created and then it was done.  The tears started pouring out (so much for seeing what they had written).  I just walked up the 20+ foot banner overwhelmed in love.  Then I got to a smaller banner.  In large print is said "We love You, Mrs. V!!!"  Then all around it the students had written words that THEY think characterize me, as well as, Bible verses.  I am overwhelmed and humbled by the love of these students.

This reminded my of a song written by David Crowder, "How He Loves."  The song talks about how much Jesus loves us, the overwhelming grace that He loves us with. 

There are times when the storms of life (or trials) seem to be unbearable.  Everything is sinking in around us and we are struggling to keep our head above water.  It is during those times that Jesus' desire is to ravish us with his love (like my Bible students did for me).  However, it is our choice whether we allow him to or not (I could have stayed at my desk in pain and not received the gift my students created for me).  By humbling ourselves to receive the gift of Jesus' great love we can begin to feel the freedom from our storm and a change in our perspective (my students helped me refocus and reminded my of my purpose).

Sunday, January 12, 2014


When we think about all the Lord has done in our lives, it is a long story of obediently taking one "step" at a time.  I wish I would have started a blog 16+ years ago.  Then each "step" would have been recorded.  But since that did not happen we will just begin.

In our life connection group during the fall and winter of 2012-2013 we had been studying several studies that began to change our view points and challenge our life-styles.  Theses studies, "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan, "Greater" by Stephen Furtick and "Radical" by David Platt all shook up Barry and my life.  They showed us that we needed to make changes in our family and that we were being called to begin taking new "steps" in obedience.

We were asked to speak in Guatemala at a Pastor's Congress in March of 2013.  After praying we felt that we needed to "step" into this opportunity to serve the pastors and leaders of the Wesleyan Churches in several Central American Countries.  It was through that Congress that we find ourselves on the journey we are on today.  The Lord opened our eyes to a new vision for our family through that Congress.  And we are doing our best to take small "steps" of obedience, each day.

We returned to the USA not sure how to respond or what the new "vision" was all about.  Through prayer and seeking out Godly leaders, we found peace through each "step" we took with Global Partners, the mission arm of the Wesleyan Church.

It was beginning of October, 2013, that we were appointed to serve as Global Partner Full-Time Missionaries to Central America.  Barry will be mentoring, encouraging, training and teaching pastors in several Central American countries.  Together we will be working to help the leaders of these churches to grasp a full vision and begin taking "steps" towards becoming "Great Commission Churches".  I will be working with women's ministry.

We are striving to trust and be obedient with each "step" we take.  
We hope you will "step" out with us and join our journey.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ready or Not

The V-Team has begun a new chapter in our families' life.  We are hoping to be able to share with each of you the journey we have been on for the past year of our lives (and for the days to come as this new chapter unfolds).  Unfortunately, we may not be able to share in person with each of you.  Hopefully, our new blog will be one tool to help us communicate all the Lord is doing.

My, Christy's, tendency is to get everything organized and together before putting anything out for the world to see.  However, the Lord has impressed on my heart that I need to share the whole process with the people He has allowed in our lives.  So, "Ready or Not" here goes our new blog.

More posts will be coming...