What do you do to educate your kids?

Currently our guys attend an international school in Panama, Crossroads Christian Academy (CCA). This school is a ministry of the Crossroads Bible Church and desires to reach more people with the love of Jesus through solid Christian education. There are students here from a large variety of countries. Aside from Spanish class each day, everything is taught very similar to the United States. This school follows the school calendar year of the United States (so the kids will have a summer break beginning in the middle of June and the new school year commencing in August). Feel free to take a glance at their school...http://www.ccapanama.org/

Previously our children attended Nicaragua Christian Academy International in Managua, Nicaragua...http://nca.edu.ni/international/

Can you get mail? What is your address? What can we send in care packages?

Right now, we do not have a mailbox in Panama. We will be looking into that for the future.

Please know that sending a box is very expensive and a large box can easily wind up in customs instead of our mail box so smaller, manilla envelopes are recommended.

Here are a few things we struggle to find:
  • Holiday/seasonal candy, food, crafts, and decorations (even when they go on clearance!)
  • Children’s chapter books in English
  • Family devotional books
  • Good chocolate (Anything goes)
How long will your family stay in Central America?

We are classified as long-term missionaries through Global Partners, our sending agency. We are currently serving second, 4-year term. Our hearts are to obey God at every step.  Therefore, we continue to seek God and His wisdom.  Panama is our home now and we will pick up and move only by God’s voice saying otherwise.

What does it cost to live in Panama?

Panama is a very diverse country. Once outside of Panama City life is very different and much more rural. Panama City (where we live) is much like living in a city in the United States. Rent and education cost significantly more than in the United States.  

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