Saturday, February 20, 2016

Does Your Homework Speak?

Does Your Homework Speak?  I am being for real...does it?

My homework speaks!  

This trimester of language learning is different than the first trimester, especially in our language class. In there, we spend the whole time focusing on talking. NO, not talking in English; rather, talking in Spanish. There are six of us in class and we each have approximately 15 minutes of talk time (well, that includes our corrections, which at times can take up half or more of the just depends ;) each class period.

Our sweet and very talented teacher, Lissette (pictured above), guides those conversations by giving us different themes or topics to prepare for each day.  Lately, some of our topics have been:

  • Una persona biblico- mujer de A.T. (a female from the Old Testament)
  • Una persona bilbico- mujer de N.T. (a female from the New Testament)
  • Una biografia de una persona imporante or famoso (a biography of an important or famous person)

    So, in my preparations, I decided to choose:  Hannah; The Sinful Woman; and Sojourner Truth. However, I had no clue what God wanted to remind me through studying and preparing to speak about these beautiful women.

    I am once again brought to my knees by how The Father sees value, identity, treasure, love and purpose in those who are broken and often written off by man.  

    Una persona biblico- mujer de A.T. ~ Hannah

    Hannah, a barren woman, begging God for a son; so much so that her uncontrollable weeping at the altar caused the priest to think that she was drunk. She was the "other wife". Although treasured by Elkanah, she was tormented by his second wife. Her heart desired a son so bad that she was willing to surrender him to the Lord and in doing this would separate herself from his development and trust the priest to raise him.  

    I don't know about you, but I have not allowed myself to be that raw at the altar in a long time. And yet, Hannah provides this example of vulnerability, raw emotions, organic in her conversation and the Lord sees her as beautiful, blessed and as Samuel's momma.  Not only does He reward her faithfulness through Samuel's life, He also allows her to have other children.

    Una persona bilbico- mujer de N.T ~ The Sinful Woman

    I have always been intrigued and moved by the story of the sinful woman. However, something about calling her "La Mujer Pecadora" caught my attention in a new way.  

    Part of our assignment was to think about the person and describe them. So often I find myself wanting to say, "Well the Bible is not clear on that..." and leave it at that. But my heart sunk into the face of this girl. Her sunken eyes, full of pain and hurt from a life of prostitution and sin (possibly with no escape, possibly not by her choice or maybe by her choice but because she did not see anyway out). Her slender, weak body which so often would catch the eyes of the men who would help provide her dinner that evening.  Her long wavy hair, which so easily covered her face filled with shame, hurt and torment from her life choices and/or situations.  

    All of this and God chose to use her to anoint the feet of Jesus. He didn't choose Jesus' mother Mary or the other Mary, or Martha, or Jesus' disciplines or me or you...He chose La Mujer Pecadora. He chose to use the tears from her brokenness, guilt, and shame to wash the feet of Jesus.  He saw her in her sin and called her to a huge ministry of preparing Jesus' body for what was to come and which ultimately led to her sins being forgiven.  

    Una biografia de una persona imporante or famoso ~ Sojourner Truth

    Sojourner Truth (as we know her today) was really Isabella Baumfree. Her date of birth is unknown because she was born a slave and slave birth dates were not important. She was "written off" by man immediately, yet God saw a fighter, a leader and someone He treasured. She faced many trials in her life as a slave. However, once she found freedom, she began fighting for others' freedom, including her own children. She didn't hide because she was afraid she would be caught and put back into slavery; no, she fought. She fought for freedom from slavery and for women's rights.  

    If you haven't read her biography I would challenge you to take time to read it and allow her to inspire you to be who God has called you to be. I would also challenge you to find out more about the fight going on today to end slavery.  There are more slaves today than in all of history combined.  

    And then I am reminded of me, Christy. The one who struggles to learn a new language, who has been wrestling with some physical issues for two months, who struggles at time to be in the Word, who wrestles with comparisons, who fails at being a good friend, who is not patient with her kids, who doesn't serve her husband with pure love...and the list can go on and on. However, Jesus met me in a tender and sweet way. He spoke to my heart through my homework, that just like these ladies, He sees something special in me. He has a plan for me and has created me for a purpose. He desires to use my struggles and my heart for His Kingdom sake.

    And he desires to do the same with YOU! Dig in to Jesus and allow him to speak to you...maybe prepare a 15 minute presentation on my assignments (you can do it in English or whatever your heart language may be...or try it in Spanish) and see if God wants to speak to your heart, like he did mine.

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