After almost a full week of being snowed in at our friends home (while we house sit for them) our family ventured out to school, dinner and a Friday night movie. Barry had selected the movie saying it would be a good one for our family. So, I naively followed his lead.
Standing under the display of movie choices my heart broke at the choices we were presented with. My thoughts and heart went to prayer thinking about the many men and women who walk naively (or purposefully) into the movie theaters and have their minds filled with images and words that are contradictory to the heart of God.
I had no idea how the Lord was going to this movie experience to change my perspective.
We entered our empty theater, found our seats and began watching people file into the theater. Barry shared with me several ministry phone calls he made and we briefly reflected on how it appears that God is bringing some new partners to our team (YEAH...Praise the Lord).
Towards the beginning of the movie, "McFarland, USA" (which I will not ruin for you but definitely think you should go see), I was greeted with a familiar sound that quickly transported me to Guatemala...where my mind remained for the entire movie, that of a rooster crowing. Although the setting of the movie was in McFarland, California, the images, sounds and people reminded me of my experiences in Guatemala and the yearning I have to return to Central America.
My family has been in a lonely and bizarre chapter of life. A chapter that we may title: Hidden. As we have changed our ministry focus from local pastoral ministry to global ministry we have experienced changes in relationships which make us feel as though we are hidden from the relationships we once loved. Changes in how we serve which have made us sense a need to hide the passions that are on our hearts. Changes in the address we call home which has hidden us from the neighbors and life we were comfortable with. Changes in our finances which have forced us into completely hiding in the arms of the Lord's provision. Changes in how we are fed spiritually where we find ourselves hiding in the faithfulness of Holy Spirit. We have wrestled with our purpose and our value during this chapter in our lives. We have experienced more valleys and trials than we can count. And have often found ourselves alone feeling like the Lord is hiding us.
Strangely, I sat through the movie and for the first time in almost a year I found myself feeling at home. No, not at home in the movie theater. Rather, at home with the culture of McFarland, at home with the story line of "McFarland,USA," and at home with the call the Lord has graciously given to me and my family. At home and at peace.
I walked out of the movie theater ready to jump on a plane and head south (and not just because of the snow forecast for the weekend). Ready to be at home out of the hiding. Ready to begin learning the culture and language. Ready to leave "safe" and be home.
This morning I read a blog post written by Jo Saxton (a speaker that I am excited to hear share at the Alive 2015 Conference coming up in April). Her blog collided with what has been on my mind about this chapter of life I find myself and my family in.
Check it out blog:
Maybe, just maybe, Jesus is keeping me and my family hidden for a chapter of growth, preparation and renewal. Maybe I need to change my perspective and trust this chapter of hiding.
For the time being we will choose to remain (John 15:4) hidden waiting patiently until it is time for "McFarland". Using this chapter to deepen our relationships with the Lord. We are trusting in the faithful, merciful, gracious, peaceful, just God; who will use this chapter of life for His glory, honor and praise.