Maybe you have noticed that the V-Team has been M.I.A.
(missing in action) or maybe not. Although there have not been many blogs written, the Lord has been writing several fantastic pages in our chapter of life called, "A Summer of Partnership Development."
We have been blessed to travel from side of the United States to the other. On the way we have rekindled some amazing relationships, create some new relationships and have taken time to grow professionally in this new field of missions. The boys have had fun and have been growing, as well.
Here is a quick overview of our travels from the beginning of June to the beginning of July.
I, Christy, traveled to the beautiful State of Washington for a high school graduation
We love you, Amber, and are so proud of the young woman of God you are! Looking forward to hearing all that God has in store for you!
The boys came to pick me up from Wisconsin. We were able to see several dear friends and spend some time visiting Lake Michigan.
We left Wisconsin to celebrate my father's 60th birthday and then Father's Day. We were blessed to share our story with Lakeville United Methodist Church.
After our Father's Day lunch we left Lakeville and traveled to Indiana Wesleyan University for "Missionary Training Institute" with Global Partners. We spent two weeks with intense training (the boys had their own training during our training). During our stay in Marion, IN we were blessed to meet up with friends we hadn't seen for a while and share our story with Eastview Wesleyan Church.
We ended the two weeks being commissioned to serve as Global Partners Missionaries to Central America!
We left Indiana and drove to Virginia Beach where we shared at Broadcast Church all that the Lord has been doing in our lives. It was great to hear and see the vision Pastor Jess has for the Chesapeake area. After our visit at the church we look a small two day break at the beach. We were very excited to spend time with Barry's cousins (Diego, Casey, Carmen and Ashley).
And the boys' passports came in!!!!
We left the Beach to return to our new home (my sister's house). We were so excited to re-unit with some of our dear friends.
During those travels,the Lord blessed us with many new relationships, more prayer partners and some great financial partners. We are so blessed to have so many people joining our team and being Jesus' hands and feet in Central America. It is exciting to see the number of people "going (figuratively not literally)" to Central America with us growing.
We are excited to be able to get our feet in Central America. Please join us in praying for our ministry to the North American Church as we prepare to leave.