To be honest, it has been a little hard to blog lately. Yes, life has been busy, more busy than normal. However, that is not the real reason.
This year I have found that holidays have been more challenging and emotional than in the past. I have always enjoyed reflecting on relationships I have during the holidays. Family and friends are often what I think about when we think of relationships.
However, this year, I am consumed with thoughts of each holiday being a "last." Last time we celebrate Christmas in this house. Last time we celebrate Easter with our friends. Last time we do ___ tradition because we won't live in this state. The list can go on and on.
One minute I find myself in pure joy and excitement for the future. The next minute I am drowning in a pile of tears over the changes in relationships I will experience. One minute I am overwhelmed with humility as I receive a gift of a family vacation with dear friends. The next minute the wind is knocked out of me as I open an email with our final budget.
The emotions are "raging."
However, Jesus has reminded me that he allowed himself to feel emotions (possibly even "raging" emotions), as well.
Think about:
- Jesus' reaction to Lazarus death. He wept knowing he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead.
- Jesus' reaction in the garden to his own future. He sweat blood.
- Jesus' reaction in the temple when the Pharisees were caught selling things. He became angry.
I find comfort knowing that my "raging" emotions are not out of line, rather, something that Jesus experience, as well.
Jesus, continue to guide and direction me on this "venture" to following you into Central America. I trust you!