Thursday, November 26, 2015

Undeserved and Unmerited

Learning a new language...engaging a new culture...raising a family in a new place...discovering new ways to accomplish even the simplest of tasks (which often take way longer than in the States). I wish this was the list of reasons I could offer as to why I've not written a blog since letting folks know we had arrived in Costa Rica way back near the end of August. However, if I'm being true to you and myself, the reason for my departure from words stems from something a little deeper within.

In a spirit of transparency, I honestly felt as if I didn't have any words worth sharing with you. The last year and a half, before arriving in Costa Rica, was by far the most difficult season of life I've ever been through. And the irony of it is that it was not the result of running away from God, but rather as we were running straight into the middle of what He's called us to. Exasperated; desperate; tired; overwhelmed. While there are definitely some positive adjectives to describe our incredible and miraculous journey to this point, those few words describe the core of who I was upon arriving here. I was wore out; my emotions were spent; I felt I had nothing left to give - nothing to give to my family and nothing left to give to you or those around me.

And yet in the midst of that struggle, God in His grace and love spoke life and hope and purpose right into the core of my existence and being. A month or so ago, I had been asked to allow my name to stand for the position of Chaplain here at language school. At first I was a little hesitant given our "primary purpose" is to learn language and culture. I didn't want to allow anything to get in the way of that, yet after much prayer, I conceded and trusted the Lord to open or close this door as He saw fit. It's my honor and privilege to share with you that, along with one other student, I have been entrusted (through the election process) to serve in this capacity for the January-April trimester.

It wasn't until this past Tuesday, the first opportunity I've had to share in chapel (note picture above), that I realized the magnitude of what the Lord has allowed to unfold in my life. In the midst of our obedience to follow Jesus to another part of the world, God has chosen to restore unto me the joy of proclaiming His Word. The beauty of the situation is the following realization: 17 months ago I gave the pastorate over to God (at least physically speaking with my resignation); about 10 months ago I gave the pastorate over to God (spiritually and emotionally), and now God has seen fit to allow me to serve in a similar context in this new and beautiful place.

So, do I deserve it; have I somehow earned it? Does God owe it to me for being obedient? Absolutely not! And therein lies the beauty of it - I am the recipient of the undeserved and unmerited grace of God! But here's what I love about God; I'm not the only one on the receiving end. Take a look around your life. Where and how are you presently receiving the unmerited and undeserved grace of God? Once you discover that answer, like me today, and every day, be sure to thank Him for it!