Friday, August 28, 2015

He (God) Still Parts the Waves

What a whirlwind the past week has been. We drove to Atlanta last Friday for Christy's weekend speaking engagement; from there the boys and I drove on to Mobile, AL. We reunited Sunday evening in Atlanta in order to fly out Monday morning (special kudos to Christy's dad and step mom for all they did to help us in that adventure). We arrived to Costa Rica around noon on Monday and haven't stopped since. Parent orientation for the boys started Tuesday morning and our own orientation has been the rest of this week. The boys start school Monday and us on Tuesday following one more day of orientation. Phew, are you tired yet?

In all of that, I wanted to share these words with you in the 30 minutes of internet time I have left (we still haven't been able to get it set up at the house and we have 2 more meetings coming up still today).

As you know, thanks to God and His people, we saw 44% of our budget raised in the final 41 (of 45) days that we were in Virginia. It previously had taken us over 16 months to raise the first 56%. There are many specific things e can point to as to why we believe it was finally God's timing for our family (and perhaps we will in a separate blog). For now, I just want to remind us all of this simple, Biblical truth - God still parts the waves.

If you're familiar with the Exodus story, you know the mighty miracle God performed for the Israelites as they fled the Egyptians. While I'm no Moses and we're not the Israelites, this is very much the same miracle we just witnessed in our own lives.

There we were, on the way to the Promised Land (our mission in Central America). All around us we were surrounded and hemmed in. In front of us were the finances (or lack thereof - only 56% July 7th). Behind us were the comforts/trappings of our former life beckoning us "home." To the left and right were the mountains of fear, doubt, and uncertainty. And in the midst of that storm and trial God uttered these words to our hearts, the very same ones he uttered to Moses, found in Exodus 14:14 -The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.

Wow! The Lord will fight for us! We continued being faithful to the task before us, but all of a sudden the pressure to perform; the pressure to make our budget by August 24th had been broken from our shoulders. This was God's battle and His to perform. And boy, did he ever fight for us.

As I've already pointed out, you know the financial miracle he provided in order to ensure that I could be writing this right now from San Jose, Costa Rica as we're preparing for a year of language school to be followed by several more years in our field of service.

On that Tuesday evening (I think it was) when we knew we surpassed 100%, it was as if we had literally and finally crossed that sea on dry ground and as we turned around, the enemies we once saw we never saw again. It was as if, God split our financial sea, for us to cross and caused it to come crashing down on our fear and on our doubt and on our uncertainty; as well, never again would we return to our former life.

We're so excited to be here in Costa Rica. The transition has been an extremely steep learning curve. We have lots of stories already so just ask (Wi-Fi, taxi cab, Price Smart, etc). Yet, we'd have it no other way than to be here, directly where the Lord has placed us, exactly in His timetable. We're thankful for His continued provision and for your continued partnership and prayers!

Look forward to hearing more from us once we get this whole Wi-Fi thing figured out. Until then, know we're thinking of you and thankful for you!

We love you,